Enlightening Books

Enlightening Books

The series Enlightening Books (2010 –2021) is one of the most representative works by the artist. The books are made of hand-painted ground glass sandblasted in various colors and shades. Every book is different from the others, and it has its own soul, just as real books. Staging like a metaphor of archived knowledge, between memory and oblivion, some books are illuminated inside and origin ideal paths of meaning.


“Vitrea. Il vetro italiano contemporaneo d’autore”, 2021, curated by J. Blanchaert, Triennale, Milan, Italy (group show)”Chiara Dynys. Enlightening Books”,2021,curated by G. Verzotti, Mattatoio, Rome (solo show)

“Unbreakable: Women in glass”, 2020, curated by N. Romanin, K. Vanmechelen, Fondazione Berengo Art Space, Murano, Venice, ItalyPublic Collections

“Più Luce su tutto”, La Galleria Nazionale d’arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome, ItalyChiara Dynys. “Enlightening Grimoires”,curated by G. Belli,Palazzo Fortuny, MUVE -Musei Civici di Venezia, Venice, Italy

“Chiara Dynys. Melancholia”, curated by A. Castiglioni MAGA Museum –Museo Arte Gallarate, Italy (solo show)”Scultura italiana del XXI secolo”,Milan, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, curated by M. Meneguzzo(Groupshow)PublicationsG. Verzotti (ed.), “Chiara Dynys”, Skira, Milan, 2020, pp. 43-49J. Blanchaert (ed.), “Vitrea. Vetro contemporaneo d’autore”, exhibition catalogue(Milan, Triennale Milano, April 13-June 13, 2021), Milan, 2021, p.34P. Weiermeir (ed.), “Chiara Dynys”, Umberto Allemandi, Turin, 2015, pp. 204-205F. D’Amico (ed.), “Labirinti di memoria. Più luce su tutto”, exhibition catalogue (Rome, Archivio Centrale dello Stato, GalleriaMarie-.Laure Fleisch, May 7 -September 25, 2010), Skira, Milan 2010,pp. 63; 64-67G. Verzotti (ed.), “Chiara Dynys”, Umberto Allemandi, Turin, 2017, pp. 206-209;G. Verzotti (ed.), “Chiara Dynys”, Skira, Milan, 2020, pp. 32-35J. Ceresoli, “Lighart paradigm of modernity. Light as”oper-action” of relational art”, Meltemi, Milan 2020, pp. 133-134