The series Slab Charge (2011 –ongoing) address the issues of work and leisure imposed by the neo-capitalist society where a clear difference between the two has been lost, and the individual is forced into self-exploitation in view of personal success or the mere need to survive. The idea of meritocracy is central to the logic of neoliberalism because the individual must take charge of his or her own ambitions and strengths, so measuring performance and energy levels becomes a daily obsession. Presenting a series of rough concrete sculptures with a very heavy appearance, the two artists dissolve the weight of the sculpture usingcolor that applied to the base lightens the idea of gravity or weighs it down depending on the intent. The color used indicates as a level of energy and the sculpture itself that seems to be very heavy because it is made of cement, is actually very light, this to indicate that it is not possible to distinguish between reality and weight. that it is not possible to distinguish between reality and perception.
